Ballycallan, Killaloe & Kilmanagh News
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 2nd March 2025
Pray For Our Deceased Loved Ones
Recently Deceased: Francis O’Halloran, Pottlerath
Seamus Manogue, Ballyfrunk
Esther Maher, Assumption Place
May & Richie Murphy, Killeen (Sat 6.30) Also Billy & Nora Malone, Pottlerath (Sat 6.30)
Carmel O’ Halloran, Pottlerath (Sun 9am)
John & Breda Greene, Dama (Sun 10:15)
Nick Sheriden Dareen & Wexford (Mon 7pm)PJ Garvan, Balleven
James Murphy, Ballydunne
James Brennan, The Commons
Anniversaries Next Weekend
Nora Murphy, Knockeenbaun (Months Mind, Sat 6.30pm)
Michael, Mary, Tom & Jim Hogan, Brigidswell (Sun 10:15)
Going forward, booking anniversaries will be with the understanding that the Mass may be shared with families. This is to address the growing number of anniversaries and fewer Masses available. We do of course have weekday Masses, and these might suit families instead of a Sunday should they wish to offer their own Mass for their anniversary
Parish Envelopes
The new parish contribution envelopes are now distributed. If you didn’t receive your, let us know. Thank you to all our supporters.
Parish Account
You can also contribute to the parish online
Our IBAN is:
IE49 AIBK 9330 9011 1635 35 (Kilmanagh/Ballycallan Parish Donations)
Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage
“The Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration National Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday, 6th April 2025.
Bus will leave from Woodies Car Park at 7.30 am with collections in Ballyragget, Durrow and Abbeyleix.
Please contact 086 1666547 to book.”
First Sacraments
Next weekend we will welcome the communion class to our SUNDAY 10:15am Mass in Ballycallan, where they will be welcomed, enrolled and included in our Mass. We ask all the communion families to attend and take part.
Ash Wednesday
Lent begins next Wednesday.
Masses for that day will be as follows:
Tullaroan 10am
Ballycallan 7pm
Ashes will be blessed and distributed at both Masses.
Reflections for Lent
“The Seven Last Words of Christ.” Starting on Ash Wednesday and continuing on every Wednesday of Lent, 11.00am - 11.45am in the Black Abbey. Led by Fr. Joe Kavanagh OP
First Friday Visits
I will be making my first Friday visits during the coming week: Kilmanagh & Killaloe, Thursday from 1.30pm onwards. Ballycallan, Friday from 1.30pm onwards.
Kilkenny Medjugorje Pilgrimage
Direct Flight to Mostar Medjugorje 4th – 11th June 2025
(Month of the Sacred Heart and includes Pentecost Sunday)
Hotel near the church cost €875 accompanied by spiritual Director
For bookings – contact Ann on 086 1991620 or 086 8825622
Cathedral Draw
There was no winner from the parish in February’s draw. The results are posted in the church porches. Thanks to all who support the draw. The money raised goes towards the renovation of the cathedral. May issues relating to the structure a décor have been resolved, many more need to be fixed. The work continues in cur Mother Church.
School Enrolment
Enrolments for Sept. 2025 are now being accepted by St. Aidans N.S. Enrolment forms are available on the school
website, www.staidans.scoilnet.ie or by phoning Brigid on 7769340. Enrolment forms need to be returned before March 31 st.
Readers Wanted
We require volunteer readers for Ballycallan Church. If this is something you might be interested in, get in touch with Anne Murphy, Dreelingstown or contact Fr. Liam
Trad Night
On March 16th , there will be a Trad night in The Pound, Ballycallan, in aid of Cois Nore & Craobh Osraí Marble City.
Admission is €5. All musicians welcome. Contact Mary Dunphy for more information 086 401 0914
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 23rd February, 2025
Pray For Our Deceased Loved Ones
Recently Deceased: Beenie Ryall, Michael’s Church.
Anniversaries: Liam & Maura Comerford, Knockeenbaun. Also Pat Comerford, Knockeenbaun (Sat 6.30)
Michael Murphy, Dreelingstown. Also, Jim & Lena Murphy, Kieran Murphy & Bridget Creighton (Sun 10:15)
Margaret Johnson, Ballyhendricken
May Purcell, Ballykeeffe
Tom Manogue, Ballycloven
Anniversaries Next Weekend
May & Richard Murphy, Killeen (Sat 6.30). Also Billy & Nora Malone, Pottlerath
Carmel O’ Halloran, Pottlerath (Sun 9am)
John & Breeda Greene, Dama (un 10:15)
Going forward, booking anniversaries will be with the understanding that the Mass may be shared between families. This is to address the growing number of anniversaries and fewer Masses available. We do of course have weekday Masses, and these might suit families instead of a Sunday should they wish to offer their own Mass for their anniversary
Parish Envelopes
The new parish contribution envelopes are being prepared for the coming year. The envelopes provide a convenient way for parishioner to contribute each week; they also allow us to track contributions made to the parish and, where applicable, claim tax on the donated amounts, at no extra cost to the donor.
If you don’t already receive contribution envelopes, let us know and we are happy to add you to the system.
The parish is completely financed by contributions from parishioners and we are grateful to all our supporters
Parish Account
Some parishioners prefer to pay yearly or through their bank. These contributions we can also claim for, where applicable.
Our IBAN is:
IE49 AIBK 9330 9011 1635 35 (Kilmanagh/Ballycallan Parish Donations)
Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage
“The Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration National Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday, 6th April 2025.
Bus will leave from Woodies Car Park in Kilkenny at 7.30 am. will collections in Ballyragget, Durrow and Abbeyleix.
Please contact 086 1666547 to book.”
Palestine Evening
You are invited to an evening of Palestinian Food and Music in St. Canice's Hall, Butts Green, Kilkenny, on Friday, 28th February 2025. Doors open at 7.00pm.
Donations welcome to support humanitarian projects in Gaza.
Liturgy Meeting
The parish liturgy group will meet next Thursday at the parish house at 7pm. This will be an important meeting to begin making plans for Lent and Easter.
Sunday Funerals
When a funeral does occur, I ask families to opt for a weekday or Saturday funeral instead of a Sunday. This gives me more time to prepare, allows for greater flexibility in the liturgy (readings, offertory etc), and we don’t have to cancel booked anniversary Masses.
First Sacraments
We will celebrate First Confession with the Communion class on March 11th at 7pm in Kilmanagh. First Holy Communion will be celebrated on June 7th in Kilmanagh.
In preparation for these sacraments, we will welcome the Communion class to our Saturday evening Masses during Lent. For the six weeks of Lent they will participate in the Mass and hopefully feel part of our parish.
Ash Wednesday
Lent begins on March 5th with Ash Wednesday. Masses for that day will be as follows:
Tullaroan 10am
Ballycallan 7pm
Ashes will be blessed and distributed at both Masses.
Lighting Candles
Lighting candles in a church is a powerful symbol of prayer, hope and remembrance. The act of lighting a candle represents offering our prayers, desires, intentions, or gratitude to God. Each flicker of the flame reflects the light of faith, providing a moment of connection to the divine. It serves as a visual reminder of God’s presence in our lives, bringing comfort and peace. In times of joy or sorrow, lighting a candle offers a way to reflect, meditate, and seek solace. It is a simple yet profound practice that draws us closer to the sacred, inviting us to pause, pray, and embrace the light in our hearts.
The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found difficult and left untried. –
G. K. Chesterton